Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hey I hope they don't come after my books with the Confederate Flag!

Alternative history is one of my favorite genres. One of the main tributaries of that particular stream of consciousness are books where the South wins the Civil War. Usually it happens because of a simple change like Albert Sidney Johnson or Stonewall Jackson not getting killed. Or it could be that Lee changes his tactics at Gettysburg. Or England comes into the war.

The two titles I put up so are:

The Confederate States of America: What might have been by Roger L Ransom
Dixie Victorious Edited by Peter G. Tsougas

One title I really recommend is: Stars and Strips Triumphant by Harry Harrison where the North and South unite to fight England by invading Ireland.  It is part of Trilogy of which I have only put up one book so far. I have the others and will put them up soon.


  1. What has become of you you old coot. Hope you are well.

  2. What has become of you you old coot. Hope you are well.
